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31 May 2021

Using Unity Editor with Emacs

Update <2022-07-31 Sun>: I have made a follow-up post here with more up-to-date information.

Let's skip right to the core of the issue: Unity is designed with the expectation that you are using Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code for editing C#, and using alternative editors with features such as LSP gets a bit tricky. Fortunately, with a lot (a lot) of trial and error, I've found a way to configure the two in a way that exceeded my expectations in how featureful and pleasant of an experience it is to write code for Unity in Emacs.

An alternate title for this article could also be "Using Unity Editor with LSP on a non-Windows OS", since a great portion of my difficulty involved figuring out the idiosyncrasies of running OmniSharp on Linux. This guide still applies to Windows, though.

Foreground: What's LSP/OmniSharp?

In short: LSP (Language Server Protocol) provides almost all of the features you could ever want from an IDE in any code editor which supports the protocol. OmniSharp is such a server for C#, and a very powerful one at that. We will go in depth about how to configure OmniSharp to work with Emacs later.

Configuring Unity to Open Emacs

The most obvious place to start is configuring Unity to open Emacs as its external editor. Unfortunately, things aren't so simple, due to a bizarre quirk. Unity automatically generates and maintains solution and project files, but only if the external editor is configured to be Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, or MonoDevelop, despite the fact that theoretically any number of text editors can benefit from OmniSharp.

The unity.el package provides a workaround to this issue by providing an executable named code which tricks Unity into always generating the solution/project files. code accepts the command line for the actual program you wish to run as its arguments. To start emacsclient, my "External Script Editor Args" field is set to the following:

emacsclient -n +$(Line):$(Column) $(File)

The package also provides some additional quality-of-life features for interacting with Unity; see the GitHub page for more info on installation and configuring.

For performance reasons, I would also recommend disabling every option for "Generate .csproj files". OmniSharp will eagerly try to resolve each and every Unity package, which is usually not necessary.

At this point, Unity will now generate the initial solution/project files when you click "Regenerate project files" or when you open a C# source file via Unity. You only need to do this once; Unity will automatically keep them maintained.

Configuring Emacs to use LSP with OmniSharp

Prerequisite: (Linux, macOS) Install and Configure Mono

The Windows version of Unity will automatically install Visual Studio, which provides all of the crunchy bits that make OmniSharp work out of the box. Unfortunately, on other platforms, we have a bit of setup to do. The short version is that the non-Windows, i.e. Mono-based, distributions of OmniSharp do not come with a complete set of core assemblies for .NET, so we have to install those ourselves.

I recommend using the official Mono releases instead of relying on your distribution's package manager if possible. Luckily, it's quite easy to do so via the Mono download page.

Once it's installed, we need to indicate to OmniSharp's mono invocation where these newly installed assemblies can be found, via an environment variable. This lifesaving piece of advice was provided by GitHub user R0flcopt3r here. I simply set it in my init.el.

(setenv "FrameworkPathOverride" "/lib/mono/4.5")

(The path on macOS is likely different, but I'm not certain.)

Configuring csharp-mode and lsp-mode

The actual elisp configuration is shockingly simple. (Note: I rely on use use-package here.)

(use-package lsp-mode
  :ensure t
  ("C-c l" . lsp-command-map)
  (lsp-keymap-prefix "C-c l"))

(use-package csharp-mode
  :ensure t
  (defun my/csharp-mode-hook ()
    (setq-local lsp-auto-guess-root t)
  (add-hook 'csharp-mode-hook #'my/csharp-mode-hook))

And… that's it, really. There are a lot more awesome options to configure lsp-mode, and I recommend exploring them if you haven't already.

Other Considerations

lsp-mode gains a massive performance boost if Emacs is built with native JSON serialization and native elisp compilation. See this article for more details. I highly recommend giving it a try.

Tags: unity emacs csharp
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